SeaMonkey 2.1 Alpha 3

Released August 24, 2010

Warning! The SeaMonkey version available for download on this page is an outdated testing-only preview of the next generation of our Internet suite. Please test a newer preview version instead of this one.
For daily use, we strongly advise you to download the current stable release instead.
  • Release Notes - The release notes describe new changes, system requirements, installation instructions, and known issues in this release - please read them carefully before using this version of SeaMonkey!

Official builds

MD5 sums and SHA1 sums are available for official packages and source tarballs.

Language Windows Mac OS X Linux
English (US) Download Download Download

Source code

The source code is available either as a tar package or from the source repository.

  • Source Code Tarball (bzip, 57 MB) - note that it doesn't unpack a subdirectory itself, so create a directory to unpack it in.
  • The README file explains how to pull SeaMonkey 2.1 Alpha 3 from the source repository.

Contributed builds (other platforms)

These are unofficial builds and may be configured differently than the official SeaMonkey builds. Please read their "readme" files for further information.

Linux/x86_64 .tar.bz2 (readme) (MD5 sum) (SHA1 sum)